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2023-01-13 09:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

So, I started ATWP 135 yesterday, and I have to say, I'm not a big fan of it so far. Nothing against the instructor, who seems like a great guy, it has more to do with the structure of the course. What I mean by this is that I noticed that the assignments have this 'peer review' part attached. I'm not great at reviewing others' works to begin with, I also have social anxiety, and I'm quite introverted, so I'm not a huge fan of this approach. I'd rather do my own work and have correspondence with just the teacher. Since this is part of the AWR requirement, I'm kinda forced to choose between this and ENGL 146.

I'm assuming ENGL 146 will have more workload, but I don't mind as long as it doesn't follow a similar 'peer review' structure. Could anyone outline the structure of ENGL 146 or tell me about the difficulty of the course and what to expect.






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